Retail Application

Apply to participate in the Wheelhouse Retail Incubator Program by filling out the form below. We will be in touch once your application is received.

The Application Process

The Wheelhouse Retail Business Incubator Program launched on September 1st, 2023. We have a rolling application process that allows us to leave applications open for a continuous review process. Here, you’ll find information and insight into the process. If you have any questions about the process, selection, or program, please reach out to

  • Application

    Applicant submits online form

  • Review

    Selection Committee review, evaluation and recommendation for outcome

  • Interview

    Applicant in-person interview with Wheelhouse personnel

  • Decision

    Offer extended

    Due diligence

Business Incubator Program Selection Committee Considerations and Possible Outcomes

  • Is the business in the Wheelhouse Business Incubator target market?

  • Does the product/idea have potential to be foundation for a growth company (market size, competitive position, uniqueness, etc.?)

  • Does the applicant have capacity and drive to grow the business? Are they coachable?

  • Has the business model been validated? And to what level?

Possible Outcomes

  • Not in scope for incubator program —> refer to regional partners for business coaching/consulting services

  • Promising/needs development

  • High potential/candidate for incubation - move to interview stage of process

retail incubator Program expectations:

  • • Advice/guidance from experienced retail consultants

    • Business courses Networking

    • Technical support (e-commerce, website development, retail setup)

    • Services (coaching/mentorship, external marketing)

    • A physical space for retail pop-up

  • • Commit to the program

    • Actively engage in the incubation process and dynamic action planning

    • Attend tailored programming sessions

    • Work collaboratively with staff, consultants, and other incubator clients

    • Abide by Wheelhouse Operating Principles

    • Commit to a minimum of eight hours per week of direct customer service activities at the Wheelhouse